Scotland Net Zero 2050: Where Will All The Metals Come From?
The energy transition to low carbon renewable sources of electricity with the goal of Net Zero 2050 requires a vast new infrastructure (eg electricity generation, distribution and storage) and replacement of consumer goods (eg electric cars).
This requires a huge amount of metals in multiples of the current annual supply, with the dilemma of the environmental effects of mining and processing. These include copper, nickel, cobalt, manganese, lithium, graphite, platinum, and rare earth elements.
Many of these are Critical Raw Materials, as defined by the EC. Where will the metals come from to meet the increased demand? Are there enough resources? Can they be developed quickly enough? Is Net Zero feasible in the time frame? International mineral resources geologist Dr Stewart D. Redwood of RUI will describe the challenges facing the mining industry, new opportunities for sustainable domestic industry, and new resources such as deep sea mining that is about to start commercial production.
Stewart Redwood is an independent geological consultant specializing in minerals exploration and project evaluation. He has more than 30 years’ experience in minerals exploration including over 20 years in Latin America. He has visited over 60 countries and has crossed both polar circles. He has a geology degree from Glasgow University and a PhD from Aberdeen University, and lives in Panama.
This is the fourth in a series of talks by members of the Resource Use Institute, which was established in Scotland in 1969 to highlight fresh approaches to the use of resources to meet economic and environmental challenges. The series covers varied aspects of resource management, including land use and community regeneration, energy, minerals and the environment.